Low Back Pain Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Guide

Prognosis of LBP

It has an excellent prognosis if it is due to non-serious causes. According to the general population studies, it has been demonstrated that episodes of low back pain are of minor importance and unexceptionally causes disability. There is only a small number of the people who takes this problem seriously and seeks treatment for this.

Out of those persons who seek care, there will be a percentage of 62 percent of people who will still experience pain even after 6 months of counseling.

There will be some persons who will off from work, and their percentage is 16%. The prognosis for acute back pain is good. Approximately 75 to 90 percent of patients recover from pain and disability after getting treatment within weeks, and the persons who were at leave from work will quickly come back to work.

The prognosis for chronic back pain is moderate. Among most of the cases of chronic LBP, the odds of earlier recovery are extremely low.


This article has comprehensively provided all the datails, about causes, symptoms, types, classifications, prognosis, prevention, and treatment options of low back pain. Because as people know better about the current problem, they can get better treatment. Similarly, this article has provided ample evidence about its prevalence, burden, and incidence. To sum it all up, it can conclude that once you have understood all about the LBP Diseases, and if you follow prevention guidelines and physiotherapy treatment even at home, you can get rid of LBP early.


 References and Resources

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