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Plank Exercise benefits
Core Human Body β is the term that covers the upper body i.e. torso. Most of the body functions and movements depend on the health and strength of this core.
The core area comprises of important muscles located in the middle and lower back, abdomen, the neck, the shoulders, and the periphery of the hips.
Plank is considered to be one of the most effective Core Exercises that shapes the entire physiqueβs sturdiness and strength.
The main aim of any type of plank exercise is to elevate your torso parallel to the ground with your hands or elbows and belly facing the ground. This position can be considered as a normal pushup position, but stationary.
Primary muscles like the rectus and transverse abs, adductor hip muscles, internal obliques, etc., are working when doing plank exercise and get that desired strength. Secondary muscles like glutes, quads, pelvis region, hamstrings, etc., also are strengthened when doing plank exercise.
Do planks burn belly fat?
It is a universal truth that gaining belly fat is very easy but getting rid of it is very challenging! But
variations in the plank exercise surely helps in getting a flat stomach and burn belly fat.
- Plank is a proven form of exercise to burn belly fat. Not only does the plank help in burning the fat around
the belly but also extend muscle flexibility, an enhanced posture, and a firm stomach. - Loss of belly fat is directly proportional to the amount of time your body can sustain the plank position.
(recommended: 3 sets of 60 seconds each) - The best results to burn belly fat are seen when the plank position is perfectly attained β the full body is
lifted and parallel (straight line) to the ground. - Once mastered different plank variations can sculpt the entire core area, especially get a firm belly like
Traditional arm plank, Traditional one arm plank, Straight plank with leg lift, Sideways plank with a leg lift.
Do you want to get strong abs and back muscles 30 minutes a day at home? Do you want an interactive planking board for you and your family? Check This Stealth Core Trainer on Amazon
What are the benefits of planking everyday?
Plank position is highly popular among all the exercise freaks across the world for its various advantages.
Not only does your physique get a proper shape but it also enhances muscle endurance and induces a mental
- Budget Exercise Format: It is a Bodyweight Exercise hence no additional types of equipment are required.
- Enhances Muscle Strength: Practicing plank is an isometric exercise (an exercise format that involves
stationary muscle contraction at one position) that strengthens neck, glute, shoulder, back muscles and,
quadriceps. - The Entire core is strengthened due to plank including rectus and transverse abdomens and external/
internal back and hip mustering muscles (obliques). - Enhances Metabolic Rate: Once mastered, plank pose will increase the body metabolism thus increasing
calorie/fat burn. - Eases Backache: Once the abdominal muscles gain that desired strength, the extra strain will seldom give
any back pain. - Improved Pose:Β When your core gets healthy the entire body posture is improved by getting its natural
body arrangement. - Enhances Body Equilibrium: Regular practicing of plank increases body stability by enhancing muscle core coordination. The endurance in maintaining that plank parallel position helps in enhancing the
horizontal (standing position) body balance. - Revitalizations Mood and Reduces Anxiety: Plank pose workout helps in releasing endorphins (body
chemicals) that reduces anxiety, stress, and revitalizes mood.
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