8 Steps to do Cobra Stretch Exercise and it’s Benefits

Precautions with Cobra stretch exercise

  • During raising your back at initial take deep breath smoothly and slowly until you reach the top of full stretching.
  • Avoid overstretch or overextend your spine especially if you do the full cobra stretch for the first time.
  • For those people who are sedentary or have no flexibility of there spine, they should start cobra stretch gradually with increasing range and repetitions each day until they achieve the full cobra exercise.


Contraindications of cobra stretch exercise

There are some contraindications I want you to take in your considerations, and some of these contraindications you should ask your doctor before you are doing this exercise:

  1. If you are pregnant, cobra stretch exercise is not for you.
  2. If you have acute back pain, or recent strains or sprains.
  3. People have recent surgeries or other conditions of the back or abdomen.
  4. People who have wrist, elbow or shoulder conditions like for example carpal tunnel syndrome which affecting the wrist joint.
  5. Spine diseases like osteoporosis especially in old age people.
  6. Fractures of the spine or upper limbs joints.
  7. In spine conditions like spinal stenosis or spondylolisthesis, broad spread lumber disc cobra stretch is very dangerous to do.
  8. Spinal deformities like moderate to severe scoliosis and kyphosis or kyphoscoliosis.
  9. Other internal diseases like certain heart problems.



  • The founder of profphysio.com

    A highly motivated and experienced Physiotherapist with a passion for enhancing physical well-being in diverse settings, including humanitarian efforts with MSF NGO and the private sector. Committed to delivering quality therapy and constantly expanding my skill set, particularly in manual therapies. A seasoned team player with over a decade of experience in multidisciplinary environments, dedicated to successfully improving patients' lives.

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